Getting Started

Set up your Voucherify project

Creating an account

Create an account.

Provide all the necessary details and select your preferred region. The selected region affects where your data is stored. To decrease the latency time, setting the region in your operating region is advised.


Europe region

Remember that if your organization sells products or services to customers based in the EU, you must adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Learn more in the security and data protection article.

Once you click sign up, you should receive a verification email. If you do not receive the email or if you have lost it, contact our support.

Managing roles and inviting users

Manage your team roles and invite your team members:

  1. Click your name in the upper tab.
  2. Go to Team Settings.
  3. Go to Roles to manage the roles.
  4. Go to Team to invite members and assign roles to them.

Playing around in the Sandbox

Make your first API call and explore the Sandbox project. See the test campaigns with pre-defined validation rules to learn Voucherify possibilities.

Create campaigns and experiment with Voucherify.

Postman Collection

Take a look at the Voucherify Postman collection, where you can test examples of the basic processes required to integrate Voucherify with your system, advanced interactions, and industry-specific cases.

Enabling distributions

If you want to test the distribution of vouchers, your account must be verified as part of our anti-spam policy. You can send 10 messages per day, per month, and no emails from an unverified account.

To unlock the limits for trial accounts, set up brand details and contact our support.

Setting up brand details

To set up your brand details:

  1. Click your name in the upper tab.
  2. Go to Team Settings.
  3. Go to Brand details.
  4. Provide the necessary details. You can also provide your logo, a link to your privacy policy or your website.

Distribution limits

The limits for verified trial accounts are 10 messages per day and 100 messages per month. Note that these limits do not apply to third-party email distribution services.

Learn more about distribution limits in our fair use policy.